Heritage Recycles, Treats, Disposes, and Manages Waste

The following is a list of the common types of waste. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact us and an expert will help you navigate the proper channels for the safest and most sustainable way to handle your wastestream.

  • Aerosol Cans
  • Alkaline Chromate
  • Antifreeze Recycling
  • Arsenic Compounds
  • Batteries
  • Chromic Acid
  • Composting
  • Cyanide
  • Cylinder Disposal
  • Electronic & Computer Scrap
  • Empty Drums & Totes
  • Fluorescent Light Bulbs
  • Glass for Recycling
  • Heat Treat or Nitrate/Nitrate Salts
  • Inorganic Waste
  • Lab Packs
  • Landfill Leachate
  • Liquids & Sludge
  • Loosepacks
  • Low Level Organic Water
  • Mass Burn (Non-haz for Energy Recovery)
  • Metal for Recycling
  • Mercury Wastes
  • Minimally Contaminated Wastewater
  • Nitric Acid
  • Non-hazardous Subtitle D
  • Other/Specialty Recycling
  • Pallets (Wood or Plastic) for Reuse
  • Paper & Cardboard for Recycling
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Pickle Liquor
  • Plastics for Recycling
  • RCRA Debris
  • RCRA Solids Direct to Subtitle C Landfill
  • Solid Chrome Waste
  • Solids & Sludge for Treatment Prior to Landfill
  • Styrofoam for Recycling
  • Supplemental Fuel
  • Trash & Refuse
  • Used Oil
  • Used Oil Filters
  • Waste Acid
  • Waste Caustic
  • Wood for Recycling