Winde Hamrick Women's Week


Int’l Women’s Week Spotlight – Winde Hamrick

Posted: 3/10/20

Category: Blogs

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Winde Hamrick

Executive Vice President


When did you start at Heritage (or previously acquired companies) and what was your first position?

1991, Project Engineer

Define a great leader—what are some traits you think great leaders possess?

Leads safely, humility, lifelong learner, high integrity/honest, adaptable, instills confidence in others, hands on, cares about employees, knowledgeable, approachable, high expectations, accountability, deals with issues, mentors others

What is one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your career?

Around 2006, our landfill was running out of space and I was told what our expansion plans were and that I needed to meet with the regulators to make it happen. The concept was a bit out of the norm and I knew the regulators would take forever to get their head around it, if at all. So instead I formed a small team to review our current land and develop a new and larger landfill on the northern part of our property. The result was a faster approval and a bigger landfill. It’s such a critical part of our business that the pressure was weighing on me. This example shows that Heritage is open to new ideas and/or better ways of getting things done – as long as it’s safe and compliant!

Do you have any tips, strategies you’ve employed, or lessons learned throughout your career that you would like to share with aspiring female leaders?
Take control of your career by learning as much as you can about our business outside of your current job. The great thing about Heritage is ‘the ability to learn and grow’. You may have to do that on your own, but our business is so interesting and the people are so welcoming that it is fun! Use your knowledge to become a valuable employee and your job will become a career with never a boring day. Also, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Own up to them and learn from them!

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