One Through Eight Boxes


Eight Tips for LDR Compliance

Posted: 9/3/14

Category: Blogs

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Today’s post is going to be a quick one. A few posts ago we provided some basics of LDR (Land Disposal Restrictions) which we hope you found helpful!  But if you’re still looking for more information you are in the right place. Today we’re going to give you eight simple actions to take to help make sure you are compliant with LDR rules. So without further ado…

1. Determine, at the point of generation, all applicable codes, the category (WW or non-WW), and the subcategory (if any) for each restricted waste.

2. Determine which treatment standard(s) apply to each restricted waste.

3. Identify underlying hazardous constituents (where required).

4. Determine, through specified analytical techniques or knowledge of the waste, whether the treatment standard has been achieved.

5. Comply with time limitations.

6. Comply with prohibitions on evaporation and dilution.

7. Prepare notifications and/or certifications required for onsite or offsite waste management.

8. Comply with recordkeeping requirements to maintain all LDR documentation.

While this is in no way an all-inclusive list of instructions, following these suggestions will put you on a good start to maintaining Land Disposal Restriction compliance. Just make sure to always check with local and state rules as well as 40 CFR for the most up-to-date information.

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