Case Study

Fortune 50 Chemical Company

The Challenge

A Fortune 50 chemical company decided to close a 50-year old, 1000-acre manufacturing facility. The variety of chemicals and the associated hazards involved created a unique challenge to safely package, de-energize equipment, decontaminate the building structures/surfaces, safely transport, and dispose of all the generated hazardous waste.


For this project, better visibility meant knowing the plan, following each step of the process, seeing the waste removed, documenting its reuse or destruction, and finally seeing a recap of costs that put a smile on the boss’s face.


After meeting with several vendors, the customer selected Heritage based on our experience successfully executing similar tasks at other chemical plants. Working with the client, Heritage developed a unique, safe method for Heritage personnel to containerize over a million pounds of a highly reactive material. With Heritage transportation equipment, we safely moved the materials and ultimately disposes of them at Heritage’s state-of-the-art incinerator.


By utilizing Heritage for all components of the project, the customer was able to meet their aggressive timeline ahead of schedule and below budget. When they decided to close an additional plant they sole sourced Heritage for the work based on this experience and our ability to be a cost-effective, compliant, forward thinking environmental services provider.

  • Ahead of deadline Closure completed in less time than expected

  • Below budget Experience with the industry helped streamline process and management costs