Case Study

A Food & Beverage Packing Company

The Challenge

This packaging company was discarding several thousands of tons of filtercake from their waste water treatment processes at each beverage can production facility. For years (at most of their facilities) this material was discarded in a landfill. This company was looking for better methods to help minimize their waste disposal volumes, including achieving zero landfill status in as many facilities as possible.


Heritage provided visibility to the opportunities being lost at these facilities by offering accurate insights into the best ways to improve the company’s byproduct management process.


Since Heritage stepped in and began creating a customized waste improvement plan, this company has prevented approximately 15,000 tons of filtercake from ending up in a landfill. Heritage has also maintained their status as this company’s sole byproduct management consultant for more than 11 years.


Partnering with Heritage raised this company’s status to one of the most sustainable in the food & beverage packaging industry throughout the entire country. Heritage has also succeeded in transforming a total of 24 of their facilities into zero landfill operations.

  • 24 Zero landfill facilities

  • 15,000 Tons of filtercake saved from landfill

  • 11 Years of partnership with Heritage