Case Study

A Regional Utility Company

The Challenge

A regional utilities company needed a partner to provide full service environmental assistance to their numerous locations. They had recently acquired another company and many of those locations needed help with disposing of old, out of date materials as they converted to a new business model. They were looking for a company that would provide consistency of service to all the locations, simplify waste pick-ups, and waste tracking across their sites.


Heritage has simplified waste tracking, waste stream profiling, and waste scheduling by providing a single web portal where all of their locations’ data is accessible. Multiple contacts at the company are able to view information for any of the locations and work on new waste streams or projects collaboratively or independently by sharing information on the website.


Heritage worked with the customer to develop a customized LTL (less-than-load) route to service all its locations in one day. Heritage has also collaborated with the customer on several projects to develop innovative disposal solutions. We helped one location stay under the quantity limits of their CESQG status by providing onsite neutralization of a strong acid waste they no longer needed due to a process change.


Our comprehensive management of this utility’s multiple locations has simplified their waste program and allowed them to focus more of their time to ensuring compliance at all their sites.

  • Multiplelocations A new acquisition made this job bigger and more stressful

  • Legacy waste No worries about old, out of date materials

  • Data, data, data Online at your fingertips