Case Study

A Pharmaceutical Manufacturer

The Challenge

This pharmaceutical manufacturer was facing many small waste troubles, all of which stacked up to a pretty steep problem. Since many of their byproducts come in small dose/packaging, leaving a lot of room for error. Heritage’s ability to meet the special needs surrounding these specific types of packaging was critical to their success.


Offering visibility was a major step that Heritage took to improve this manufacturer’s waste management system. The custom bar coding and tracking system we implemented allows for full transparency of various sizes of delivered packages, which prevents the customer from having to expend time and energy often required to meet traditional acceptance parameters.


With this particular manufacturer, customized solutions really helped overcome the waste management challenges they were facing. In addition to our improved tracking system, we also helped streamline communication to prevent any delays in the waste management process.


Timely responses, meeting the daily needs of each site, and the trust that Heritage has this company’s best interest in mind has fostered a strong relationship between our companies. In addition to our competitive corporate pricing matrix, our allocation of resources to take on what some might view as “routine” or “mundane” tasks have made a powerful overall impact across this manufacturer’s sites.

  • Big Solution for Small Waste Bar coding small wastestreams provided insight and improved service